Wednesday 9 November 2011

Intended Audience

Due to the infrequent, un-lifelike violence and child friendly theme, we believe our film opening is
deserving of a 'U' certificate.

Our film meets all the requirements of a 'U' certificate film, which are outlined in a previous post.

screen grabs

Key Features of an Opening Sequence

Key features:
> Opening Credits
>Setting the scene
>Introducing Characters

How our film incorporates these features:
Our film begins with credits produced using istop motion, followed by the title, which was produced
using final cut. Our opening shot was a pan of the entire Lego forest we created. This was included in
order to effectively set the scene for the opening sequence. While the characters in our film do not speak,
they are introduced through their actions.

This image shows how the character that looks remarkably like father
Christmas is exultant after having successfuly crossed the river full of
crocodiles. This serves as an inspiration to children, and immediately
informs the viewer that this character is somewhat of a hero.

The film opening ends with further credits, as is expected in a
professional film opening.

Character Comparison

The character dressed remarkably similar to father christmas on a horse, could be compare to the character
of Buzz Lightyear in the childrens film Toy Story. There are not a great number of similarities between
these two characters in appearance or role in the storyline, however the character dressed remarkably
similar to father christmas' behaviour is somewhat reminicent of the character of Buzz Lightyear. Both
are inexplicably courageous and persevering.

From the character dressed remakably similar to father christmas children could learn the importance of
the phrase 'try, try and try again'.

From the evil monster character, children could learn that bad things
to bad people. This is a positive message as it encourages children to be good people and try to do the right
thing in life, and that doing bad things has consequences. 

What went well and not so well

The good bits
We overcame our disorganization and managed to film in a short space of time. Furthermore, because we
used istop-motion our editing was fairly simple. During the editing we were able to make the soundtrack
first of all fit well with the setting of the film, and then fit with what was actually happening in the film.

What didn't go so well:
Due to unforeseen circumstances we were unable to film our original idea which we had produced a
storyboard for. This left us with less time than we would have liked to create and film our final idea. As to
be expected we did need guidence on certain aspects of the filming and editing, which hopefully in the
future we will be able to do without requiring too much assistance.

Monday 10 October 2011

This is a childrens film which is another animated piece but also has a real scene at the end. It is fun and interesting also the storyline is intriguing as it makes you want to know what has happened to the dog. It is colourful and well put together. It keeps you interested and works well as a childs film opening as it makes you want to know what is going to happen.   
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